Money20/20: Key Takeaways, Announcements and Resources

Did you attend Money20/20, the leading global event for innovations in money with 7,500+ attendees from 2,500+ companies and 60+ countries? On November 2-5, 2014, our team had an amazing time at Money20/20 as we spoke about and demonstrated how Yodlee connects all the digital financial dots. Our agenda featured theater presentations by Anil Arora, President and CEO of Yodlee and Joe Polverari, Managing Director of Yodlee Interactive. Other speakers at our booth included Christine Loredo, VP of Programs and Partnerships and Karim Bhalwani, Senior Manager of Business Development at Yodlee Interactive. These booth sessions covered topics such as YI Incubator, Merchant Geo-Location Data, Small Business Lending, Yodlee Data Network, Wealth Data and Xignite, Enterprise API, Hot Apps Built on the Yodlee Platform and Segment Solutions. Feel free to view the full schedule featuring 36 presentations here(link is external). Besides these presentations, we also hosted Yodlee Interactive’s(link is external) 4th Customer Success event at the luxurious Mandarin Bar in Las Vegas! It was great to celebrate with several customers that have built innovative financial solutions with our APIs, including Coinbase, Xero, BillGuard, Kabbage and FeeX. Here are some photos(link is external) from our event. Key Takeways and Quotes from Money20/20 According to Patrick Giamanco, VP of Customer Success at Yodlee Interactive, below are key learnings from Money20/20:

  • The conference continues to grow, indicating that new players are looking to change current payment models
  • Bitcoin and companies focused on this new currency continue to increase their relevancy
  • A lot more startups and tech companies are looking to help consumers with bill pay options (e.g. non-banks)
  • More partnership opportunities abound with companies that offer APIs which can be integrated into our platform

In Perficient's blog on emerging technology trends, Elizabeth Dias highlights 3 key themes and insights from sessions.

For a day by day recap, check out this FinTech blog(link is external) by Michael Halloran.

Erin McCune’s blog also features some great quotes from industry experts.

  • Matt Harris, Bain Capital: “@Money2020 is the Hunger Games of payments” @mattcharris
  • Best Sarah Friar @Square keynote line: “If you are talking to your customer about payments, something has gone wrong” #money2020 @Square @thefriley
  • Dan Schulman, AmEx: “There are more than 2 billion people in the world, and 70 million in the US, that are poorly served by the traditional financial system.”

New Product Innovations and Partnership Announcements There were many exciting announcements at Money20/20, including the following news stories featuring our partners:

  • CAN Capital partnership with Yodlee Small Business(link is external): CAN Capital is integrating with the Yodlee platform to deliver an integrated solution to financial institutions. CAN Capital’s CAN Connect™ suite of Application Program Interfaces (APIs) enable financial institutions the ability to offer small business customers access to working capital.

Resources for FinTech Entrepreneurs, Investors and Bankers Lastly, we would also like to share some helpful resources for networking with FinTech folks, developing innovative solutions, identifying potential partners and obtaining investment.

  • NEXT by YI: NEXT by Yodlee Interactive is a program created to help cutting-edge developers and business partners launch and grow, by providing all the tools and services they need to support their innovation. NEXT comprises three phases: Incubation, Acceleration, and Cultivation.
  • is external): Matchi is a global innovations platform where skilled matchmaking takes away the uncomfortable first-pitch trauma. This global community brings Innovators and Banks together to establish collaborative relationships that deliver increased return on investment for Innovators and Banks alike.
  • FinTech Connect(link is external): FinTech Connect is a free premium network offering with a truly global footprint, combining all aspects of a holistic community proposition – live events, an online peer-to-peer connections portal and loads of original content.
  • Innovation Café(link is external): Innovation Cafe provides an advanced platform for organizations to create, engage and grow their innovation communities. New partnerships with the Bank Innovators Council and other potential partners have expanded its offering to include the creation of global communities and content.

What are your key findings from Money20/20? What did you hope to accomplish and did the event fulfill your expectations? Feel free to share your comments below and connect with us @YIDeveloper(link is external) on Twitter.