Win With Market Research
TXN Shopping Insights
In the race for competitive advantage, the need for robust, timely, high-quality data is quickly growing in importance. Retailers, restaurants, market research firms, service organizations and eCommerce businesses will create competitive advantage through the use of shopping insights that rely on timely and accurate data.
Gain The Competitive Edge
Key Features
This intuitive dashboard reveals shopping behavior across competitors, categories and geographies with immediate feedback on marketing campaigns and market share.
Competitive Market Trends
View competitive trends and retail projections for shopping behaviors to make informed marketing, segment, location and advertising decisions
Accessible Dashboard
An intuitive dashboard makes it easy to glean insights from complex information that inform marketing strategies
Ground Truth Information
Insights are based on actual shopping behavior from our unbiased network of shopping information
Longitudinal View
Visibility into historical information provides more relevant and meaningful insights over time
Timely Insights
Easy access to actionable data so you don't have to wait months to make business decisions, monitor ROI, and market trends
Segmentation & Planning
Easily segment information to reveal shopping patterns for various market categories, merchants, locations, & services
Income and Spending Trends
Covid-19 Trends
In addition to the significant public health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the virus has had a profound effect on the financial security of many Americans. Amidst an uncertain economic environment, consumer financial behavior has changed drastically and policymakers, eager to provide vital economic assistance to those who need it most, may not have access to critically-important data that can help inform their actions. Envestnet | Yodlee COVID-19 Income and Spending Trends provides insight into how the current environment is financially impacting Americans.
Insights and analytics can be a very powerful tool in decision-making for businesses, individuals and the government to make informed decisions toward helping us all navigate through this crisis.
Get Deeper Market Research Analytics
A Data-Driven View
“Winning decisions are increasingly driven by analytics more than instinct, experience, or merchant ‘art’.” - Forbes, Ten Predictions for Retail in 2019.
With Envestnet | Yodlee® TXN Shopping Insights, retailers, e-commerce companies, restaurants, services providers, and marketers can gain an objective, data-driven view into their customer base to uncover shopping patterns, accurately measure ROI of marketing efforts, and identify and capitalize on growth opportunities. Drawing on data from over 10 million de-identified shoppers, an intuitive dashboard not only reveals shopping behavior across multiple merchants, categories and geographies, but also provides immediate feedback on marketing campaigns and market share.