Get a Clear View of Holdings
A Wealth of Investment Insights
Enable more holistic financial planning and advice with a consolidated view of active investments like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, 401(k)s, 529s and HSAs. Drill down to see the details on individual holdings with just a few clicks.
Invest in Opportunity
Key Benefits
With the most accurate, clearest view of investors' portfolios, financial advisors are optimally positioned to deliver the best and most strategic financial planning and advice.
Holistic Picture
Access to over 17,000 global financial data sites eliminates blind spots in investors' portfolios.
Streamlined Customer Onboarding
Linking investment accounts for a consolidated view is simple and seamless with FastLink for Data Aggregation.
Intelligent Insights
The most comprehensive and accurate data powers more accurate projections and more informed advice and recommendations.
Detailed Asset Views
Individual holdings can be viewed by sector or asset class for easy analysis of risk/return data.
Wide Range of Account Types
Since every portfolio varies, we connect to multiple account types, including brokerage, retirement, and custodial.
Reconciliation Services
Our market leading reconciliation accuracy beats the market by a minimum of 15%.

The Open Banking Opportunity
Open banking initiatives are live, in progress, or under consideration in most major economies around the globe. Open banking is, simply put, recognition that each consumer has the right to access, use, and permission the use of their financial data held by their institutions as the consumer sees fit. This access benefits not only the consumer, but upholds regulations and standards that protect all stakeholders, from the banks to the FinTechs that provide data-powered solutions.